Following job demonstrates random dot stereogram technique in AX.
static void RDStechniqueJob(Args _args) { #define.image("C:\\Images\\pattern.bmp") #define.imageSizeX(300) // width*2 #define.imageSizeY(300) // height #define.depth(5) Form form; FormRun formRun; FormDesign formDesign; Args args; FormBuildDesign formBuildDesign; FormBuildWindowControl formBuildWindowControl; FormWindowControl pane; Image image = new Image(); Image pattern = new Image(); int _x, _y; void Draw() { Random rnd = new Random(); int color; ; for(_x=0; _x<#imageSizeX/2; _x++) { for(_y=0; _y<#imageSizeY; _y++) { color = rnd.nextInt()*0xFF; image.setPixel(_x, _y, color); image.setPixel(_x+#imageSizeX/2, _y, color); } } } void CreateStereogram() { int color; int d; ; pattern.loadImage(#image); for(_x=0; _x<#imageSizeX/2; _x++) { for(_y=0; _y<#imageSizeY; _y++) { if(!(pattern.getPixel(_x, _y) mod 2)) { color = image.getPixel(_x, _y); image.setPixel(_x+#imageSizeX/2-#depth, _y, color); } } } } ; form = new Form(); formBuildDesign = form.addDesign('design'); formBuildDesign.hideToolbar(true); formBuildDesign.columns(1); formBuildDesign.topMode(1); // Auto formBuildDesign.leftMode(1); // Auto formBuildDesign.widthMode(1); // Auto formBuildDesign.heightMode(1); // Auto formBuildDesign.width(1.1*#imageSizeX); formBuildWindowControl = formBuildDesign.addControl(FormControlType::IMAGE, 'pane'); formBuildWindowControl.height(#imageSizeY); formBuildWindowControl.width(#imageSizeX); formBuildWindowControl.backgroundColor(0); args = new Args(); args.object(form); formRun = classFactory.formRunClass(args); formRun.init(); formRun.resetSize(); formDesign =; formRun.resetSize(); formrun.formOnTop();;'Random-dot stereogram'); pane = formRun.control(; image.saveType(ImageSaveType::BMP_UNCOMP); image.createImage(#imageSizeX, #imageSizeY, 24); Draw(); CreateStereogram(); pane.image(image); formRun.wait(); }
in this job
- pattern.bmp should be monochrome.
- imageSizeX should be twice more than width of bitmap file.
- depth -- z-axis (depth).
Copyright © 2008 Ruslan Goncharov